Life Thoughts:
Gale force winds are starting to blow in from the south here in Haines, Alaska. And I mean, gale force winds. When I look up at the mountains, I see the snow blowing off the peaks. Or I see the white caps out in the bay as the wind rushes across the water. It is truly a wondrous sight. And then I wonder how strong that wind actually must be to have that kind of power. I am imaging that I would not be able to stand upright if I had to be out in that wind. That kind of power, the power of the wind, is something we really cannot see. We only see how it affects anything that is not tied down and secured. We see the effects of the wind as it rushes on to wherever it is going, but we do not actually see the wind. I don’t have to see it to know that it really does exist because I can see the effect it has on what is in its path and I can feel it on my face.
I don’t need to see God to see what He can do. I see God by the affect he has on a person’s life. One of my absolute favorite books if Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. As with most Christian authors, Lewis can make me feel just a little uncomfortable with where I am in my life. But I also know that life is a process. Maybe I need to feel just a little uncomfortable so that I recognize I need to make a little change. Even a little tweak in what I do or say can move me towards being a better person. A little closer to that goal of perfection some of us strive for in life.
Did you notice I used the phrase “a little” quite often. That is because we don’t have to do big changes, big steps, big leaps for us to move forward. All we need to do is take a little step, a little leap or a little change for things to be different. Of course, if you are ok with your life as it is, GREAT! Don’t think on this right now. You are free to go. But if you feel that wind blowing at your back to push you forward even a little, I would encourage you to pay attention to it. Don’t get blown off the mountain, just feel the breeze and take the nudge.
“Adversity is like a strong wind. It tears away from us all but the things that cannot be torn, so that we see ourselves as we really are.” – Arthur Golden